The Egyptian Society of Nuclear Medicine Specialists
The Egyptian Society of Nuclear Medicine Specialists (ESNMS) began on the first day of October 1997 by the first meeting of its ten members who wanted to establish an organization that would provide a means of communication and interaction between all sectors working in the field of nuclear medicine; namely physicians, physicists, chemists and engineers. The society was approved by the responsible government body on 9/12/97, and given the registration number 5699/2004.
The Arabic name of the society was changed in the
last meeting of the general assembly. Furthermore,
an additional set of goals were added to the
society charter. These changes were officially
sanctioned by the government licensing authority
on May 27, 2000.
Announcement And News
The next Conference of ESNMS Society held in Cairo, Egypt
12&13 February 2025
"Title of conference "Advanced Molecular Imaging and Theranostics "
The Egyptian Society of Nuclear Medicine Specialists Cairo- Egypt
National Training Institute
12&13 February 2025
Announcement And News
اليُوم العَلمي الخامِس - مَتحَف القُوات الجَوية
التاسع والعشرون من شهر فبراير 2024
The 5th Scientific Day
The Egyptian Society of Nuclear Medicine Specialists Cairo- Egypt
Aviation Air Forced Museum
24February 2024
السَنَوي الثَامِن عَشَر - مَتحَف القُوات الجَوية
الخامس والعشرون والسادس والعشرون من شهر فبراير 2023
Annual International Meeting
Egyptian Society of Nuclear Medicine Specialists
Cairo- Egypt
Aviation Air Forced Museum
25 & 26 February 2023
من صور التكريم للفائزين بالجوائز في المُؤتَمَر
السَنَوي الثَامِن عَشَر - مَتحَف القُوات الجَوية
الخامس والعشرون والسادس والعشرون من شهر فبراير 2023
Important Guidelines:
For chair persons:
- Please be in your session place at least 10 minutes before its start.
- Speakers should be strictly stuck to presentation and discussion time.
- Discussants should clearly state their name.
For speakers:
- Turn in your data one hour prior to the start of the session.
- Collect your data from the preview room immediately after the session.
- You should be in session room at least 10 minutes before its onset.
- Time allowed for oral presentation is 10 minutes.
- Follow chair persons
instructions. Discussion is strictly at time
- Confirmation for acceptance of submitted abstracts will be sent to registered E-mails 14 Febraury 2019.
President of Conference:
Prof. Dr. Hosna Moustafa
Secretary of the Conference:
Maj. Ge. Dr. Khalid Taalab.
Program Directors:
Prof. Dr. Walid Omar.
Phy. Magdy Khalil.
of society:
Prof. Dr. Hosna Moustafa
For more information visit Our web
Dr, Mai Amr:
Organizing Company: Remix (Mr, Moustafa)
Cairo Office: 24 Elbostan St., Bab Ellouk, Down Town– Cairo – Egypt.
The 16th Annual Meeting of the ESNMS Prizes.
*Prof. Dr/ Abdel Razak Prize (1500 L.E.) it will be awarded for the best abstract submitted by young investigators (<30 years). All applicants will be asked to present a talk of 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Both the abstract and the oral presentation will be evaluated.
Prize Winner:
Shimaa Hussein 2013.
Dr. Ahmed Tawakol 2014.
Dr. Mai Amr 2015.
Dr. Gihan El Hennawy 2016.
*Prof. Dr/ Abdel Dayem Prize (3000 L.E.) for investigators <50 years; will be awarded for the best researcher who has published at least three articles in refereed journals (either national or international) within the last three years. For those who want to participate, a copy of your work should be submitted before 15 February 2016.
Prize Winner:
Dr. Yasser Gaber 2014.
Prof. Dr. Amr Amin 2015.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kandeel 2016.