Publishing Regulation

General Editorial Policy

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Receipt of manuscript will be acknowledged and a decision regarding acceptance is made as soon as possible.

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Peer Review Policy

All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer-reviewing process by at least two reviewers. 

Authors may provide up to 5 potential peer reviewers with detailed contact information including e-mail address. These should be experts in their field of study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. If not provided, potential reviewers will be identified by their publication record or recommended by the Editorial Board members. 

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Use of Human Subjects and/or Animal Policy

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The status of informed consent whether obtained or waived and the approval of Institutional Review Board should be clearly indicated in the manuscript. Experiments involving animals should follow the appropriate institutional or the National Research Council Guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals and also should be stated in the methods section.

Units and Abbreviations

 System International (SI) units should be used for all measurements. All abbreviations should be explicitly defined at their first occurrence except for those internationally acceptable.


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